Friday, October 22, 2010

Japanese Art Koi Fish Tattoo

Koi Fish Tattoo is one of the favorite tattoo designs are popular for beauty and Good Luck. "Koi Fish belongs to the same family as goldfish and is often mistaken for large goldfish. Koi fish are known, the vitality of their strength and perseverance. This design is Zen and symbolizes 'Good Luck'.

Though Koi mysterious mythology and symbolism applies to all cultures, but the Japanese may have the longest history with the koi fish. There is an old Japanese legend that if the koi that swim up to the Yellow River to a point called Dragon Gate waterfall and swim at that point, would turn into a dragon, showing the degree of perseverance and triumph over the difficulties they have. And with the belief that Koi tattoo on their body, they will cause more satisfaction and happiness many people prefer this ink tattoo on their body.

There are a number of important factors to consider including the tattoo color, its location on your body and of course for free inclusion. Koi tattoo is now very popular among men and women. Always remember that Koi tattoo place of honor on your body's needs. Men generally get them on the shoulders or calf and women like them to get lower back tattoos. The next factor to consider is that if an employee then you will get your tattoo on your body parts in place that can camouflage clothing and when you're free to show off your lucky Japanese Koi fish tattoo design then your back, your arms, around the side your neck or around your ankles is a place often loved by the people to place their tattoos Koi.

Two other factors are the color and the environment where the Koi will be charged. To tattoo your Koi, you need to get a clear opinion of the color scheme that you want the tattoo drawn ideally it is best to choose a design that matches the color of your skin color. Served as white, red, black, yellow or gold, or perhaps a mixture of colors. Different environments where the Koi can be inserted flowing river, quiet pond or even rocky rapids. You can also create your own ideas for beautiful unique, so it can be appreciated by you and the audience over the years.

A large part of the Design Koi Fish Tattoo is not just for women. Many tattoo designs in the world designed for women, especially because it's easier for them to express their personalities and feelings. They can be almost anywhere and the tattoo will look good. Foot, wrist, shoulder, forearm, and upper back all the nice place for a tattoo. For men, however, is somewhat difficult because it must be placed in a way that does not look awkward. Koi fish should not be a tattoo on the middle to bottom or from behind, because that is not the success and satisfaction and that's what Koi tattoo on his account.

Koi Fish Tattoos are great for everyone. Koi fish is a unique way to fight the people in their lives to represent and maintained no matter what. They are about perseverance, goals and expectations. They are a very good scratches in popularity today. So much so that even celebrities who make them.

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